Adenocarcinoma in pure ground glass nodules histol
White paper on lung cancer screening
Signs in Cardiopulmonary Imaging Luftsichel Sign 8
Non ischemic Delayed Enhancement 10
Ischemic Late Gadolinium Enhancement 13
Non ischemic Delayed Enhancement
Systolic Anterior Motion of the Mitral Valve 15
Beyond Lung Cancer A Strategic Approach to
ACR Appropriateness Criteria Radiographically 10
Glossary of Terms for Thoracic Imaging
Coronary and Cardiac Computed Tomography in the Emergency Room
SIGNS IN CARDIOPULMONARY IMAGING - Non-ischemic Delayed Enhancement; J Thorac Imaging 2013;28,2.
IASLC ATS ERS International Multidisciplinary 3
Expert Opinion What are the Greatest Challenges
Glossary - Extrapleural fat sign
Idiopathic Interstitial Pneumonias; J Thor Im
Educational book, MORE 2010, Lung Cancer - Diagnostic and Treatment Strategies
The Revised TNM Staging System for Lung Cancer